What We Do

We bring food to the poor, water for the thirsty, clothes for the naked, healing for the sick and freedom for the captives. As we continue to strive for the outpouring of God’s love to cover this city we are blessed by many treasures that God has given us in His beautiful people.

As we continue to do the feedings in the streets and go door to door to meet the needs of the people the multitudes come to embrace the presence of Jesus. Not only do they get natural food, they get spiritual food! Jesus shows up and heals and sets them free from their bondage.

The joy of the Lord is spreading over the whole city. Knowing that the Lord has given us a farm, water plant, and rehab center we anticipate His Kingdom exploding in this city. We simply say;
The journey started in 2010 when the Lord spoke to Diana’s heart concerning the nations of the world. One day during her prayer time, on a mission bus in Haiti, she was very concerned about the devastation of poverty that was all around her. As she was praying she began observing all the local church movements. In the midst of the devastation she saw many religious works: Catholic, Methodist, Baptist, Charismatic, and Pentecostal mission projects. Knowing that the destruction of poverty was in her midst with these projects among the destruction, she was perplexed and began to ask the Lord questions as to why the poverty was so rampant. If the Lord was truly there, she asked why wasn’t there evidence of His Kingdom. The Lord gently replied to her: UNLESS THE SPIRIT OF THE LORD BUILDS THE HOUSE IT CANNOT BE BUILT! She knew that unless Holy Spirit was involved no life could be present. Ministry is nothing more than Christ Crucified. He also told her: IT TAKES ONE MAN TO TURN A NATION! The Lord then challenged when He told her if she wanted to know Him more, she should sit with the poor and He would show her who He was. Needless to say, the rest is history and testimony in the making. By her saying “Yes Lord send me, I’ll be your hands, feet, eyes, and ears.” the journey started that has opened the doors of the Kingdom of God.